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Sunday 29 December 2019

YouTube Removes Crypto Videos

On December 24, VC Chris Dunn who has 210K subscribers on Youtube complained on Twitter that most of his videos pertaining to cryptocurrencies have been taken down by Youtube. He tweeted,
“YouTube just removed most of my crypto videos citing ‘harmful or dangerous content’ and ‘sale of regulated goods,'” Dunn wrote, adding he’s been making videos on the platform for 10 years and built up 200,000 subs and 7 million views.
Soon it appeared that not only Dunn but a large number of other YouTubers were also affected by the takedowns. Cryptopotate has compiled the list of affected Youtubers.
Responding to the criticism, a Youtube spokesperson stated that the videos were taken down by mistake. The spokesperson said,
“With the massive volume of videos on our site, sometimes we make the wrong call. When it’s brought to our attention that a video has been removed mistakenly, we act quickly to reinstate it. We also offer uploaders the ability to appeal removals and we will re-review the content.

YouTube Removes Crypto Videos

On December 24, VC Chris Dunn who has 210K subscribers on Youtube complained on Twitter that most of his videos pertaining to cryptocur...