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Monday 16 September 2019

How to earn from the Internet ? (change your life for the better in 2020 )

  • In this blog, I will include a list of ways to earn from the Internet, which you should start to try one of them as soon as possible.

  • The list of best ways to earn from the Internet in 2020 :
 1. Affiliate marketing :

Affiliate marketing is one of the most important areas currently for profit from the Internet. In short, you market third party products or services for a specific commission and get your commission when the sale is complete.

In fact, the commission does not have to be a sale. There are a lot of affiliate marketing companies called CPA companies, which offer commissions for a lot of small marketing services such as downloading applications, registering on websites, entering personal data, etc.

In fact, the affiliate marketing system has become very popular in recent times, because it represents a genius and successful solution for the advertiser (the owner of the product) and the marketer of the commission (you), through which the advertiser can increase its sales rate significantly due to the presence of a large number of marketers who work for him, and the marketer from Through this system, he can make excellent profits from a commodity he did not own, and the marketer here has the opportunity to choose what he wants from the goods or services to market them.

As a result of affiliate marketing advantages, many companies have recently opened a profit-sharing system, and there are also many companies specialise in commission marketing mainly.
Here is a small list of the most important companies in the field of affiliate marketing:

2. Blogging and Google AdSense : 

Eating from the Internet by blogging, and participating in Google Adsense, is one of the oldest and most famous ways of profit from the Internet at all. The idea here is simply to choose one of the topics that interest you and have a lot of knowledge about, start publishing articles on the subject, and then participate in the Google AdSense program to share profits.

To start earning from Google AdSense on your website or blog follow these steps: 

1. Choose a topic :

This is a very important step and will make a big difference in your future success.

2. Create your website :

There are a lot of options for creating a website, and it's easier to use WordPress.

3. Start blogging and post good topics for your visitors :

Always try to provide value and benefit to your visitors, and keep your site up-to-date with new topics.

4- Participate in Google Adsense to share profits:

Google Adsense is a subsidiary of Google, by signing up you will place ads on your site, and you earn a profit whenever a visitor to your site click on these ads or even watched only.

3. Freelancer working platforms :

This is one of the best and easiest ways to profit from the Internet. In it, you sign up for a company that acts as an intermediary between service providers and those who want to get it.

  • The most important freelancer platforms:

It is the most important, most successful and successful online business platform on the Internet. Its idea is to be a market for small services that start at $ 5.

The largest global platform in self-employment, through which you can get a job from home, by doing long-term tasks and projects for business owners.

A great platform for carrying out very small tasks, you can subscribe to it, search for what the employers demand and do the tasks for a very rewarding fee. Employers display jobs or small tasks, their details, and the price they would like to pay in return. You browse hundreds of unfinished tasks and once you find the right one for you, press a button to get started.

Another great platform to perform tasks of all kinds and sizes, but famous for the areas of writing, marketing and the work of smartphone applications.

Etsy is basically a platform for the sale of hand-made products, which has a creative touch, but also a great market for the sale of printable designs. If you have design skills, and you can create innovative, hand-printable designs, this platform is your best way to profit from the Internet.

Writing is an art, translation is also an art. If you have advanced and professional translation skills, then you need the One Hour Translation platform. This platform is specialized in providing professional translation services, you will apply strict standards with you when you accept, but the translation there has another price.

The world's most popular photo trading platform, you can register with them and start selling your own photos, so this platform is only suitable for photographers, especially professionals who want to profit from the Internet through photography.

4. Work as a content maker on YouTube :

YouTube is the third largest site in the world in terms of popularity and average visitors and is the second-largest search engine in the world of the Internet. There are thousands of people around the world and even hundreds of thousands who make money on YouTube every day.

All you have to do to join this list and start earning from YouTube is to make a video worth watching.
It uploads it to YouTube and participates in the revenue sharing program, which Google also makes available for profit from videos.

5- Website proficiency testing services:

There are sites specializing in providing services of a special kind to the owners of the sites, these services are to test the quality and efficiency of websites and their compatibility with the experience of the visitor and his satisfaction. These sites, of course, do not have enough labour to check each website to give customers real reports about their sites, so they enable others to register, and start testing and checking customer sites for a percentage of profits.

This method of profit from the Internet is very suitable for you in case you have sufficient experience in dealing with sites, and you can check these sites to see their weaknesses and strengths, such as speed in loading and the compatibility of colours together, ease of use etc.

  • Here is a list of the top sites you can sign up for and make money from site testing:

6- Work in e-commerce :

E-commerce is one of the most profitable ways of profitable internet, but it needs some effort, time and investment. The idea is simply that you will sell your own product online. It can be tangible or intangible, and services can be sold instead of products.

  • To get started with Ecommerce follow these steps:
  1. Select the product you want to sell online.
  2. Determine the source from which you will get the product, whether you will buy it from a factory or supermarket, or manufacture it yourself or you will receive it in the way of drop shipping.
  3. Build your online store, and set it up to start selling.
  4. Start selling through your online store and make profits, and always develop your business.

7- Invest money through the Internet :

This method is for those who have a surplus and want to invest it and make a profit through it online. Investing online is very much like investing on the ground, it generally means using money in a smart way to generate good returns.

  • Note: 
This method of profit from the Internet is not for everyone, as it requires a smart person who can draw the winning investment from the midst of losing investments. But in any case, it is one of the ways to profit from the Internet from which you can make millions of dollars, especially at huge levels.

  • General tips about earning from the Internet:
  1. Earning from the Internet is a job like any business. It needs effort, time and concentration, as well as continuous learning, knowledge and self-development.
  2. There are endless ways to profit from the Internet, but they all fall under major sections just like the ground.
  3. If there is one skill I advise you to learn to take the first step towards profit from the Internet is “Learn how to use the Internet, Learn how to search, Learn how to register in the sites, Learn how to use the mouse and keyboard professionally and quickly, Learn how to communicate with support services when needed ”.
  4. Everything you need to get a profit from the Internet is already online. There are sites, communities, forums and private groups on social media sites that talk and explain everything you might think of, and there are always solutions to any problem you may face, what you need today is just to actually get started.
  5. Teamwork is a great option and always available, no matter how you get a profit from the Internet, there is always a potential partner you can reach and cut halfway. For example, do you find it difficult to create a YouTube channel? Well, talk to your friend, the photographer and the other video editor, and work together as a team.
  6. If there is one recipe for the idea of earning from the Internet is flexibility, in the world of Internet flexibility is the dominant position, you can at any time develop your way of earning from the Internet, or merge two methods together, or even move from field to field.

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